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About Me

Hello! My name is Samantha Paige, I am currently a college student learning the art of graphic design.  I am the creator of Saige Designs.  My company is aimed toward becoming a graphic and interior design firm. I have two older sisters who are both artists as well and the most incredibly supportive mom I could ask for.  I was raised with the idea that art is just as important as any other subject in school and that I have the ability to be and do anything I want in life as long as I work hard enough to achieve it.  I have found an extreme passion for digital art and design am very excited to be making things happen for myself and working hard to get there. On this blog you will be able to see latest work and follow me so you can see my progression, you are also able to contact me if you would be interested in working with me. I am very excited to be sharing my work and life with you all and hope you enjoy my art as well!

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